Magical Water Fountain Units
The Complete System
- Fountain unit which contains the pump, valves, nozzles, lights, 5 or
12volt transformer, and Bluetooth controller. - Sound System which contains the Bluetooth speakers
- Tablet unit which can be a PC, Mac, tablet PC, Android tablet, Ipad ,
Iphone , or Android phone with bluetooth capability. The smart
device contains the App for the driving the system.
The market for this product is the residential area where home owners want to add architectural aesthetics to the yard and provide for an entertainment during social gatherings. The water fountains provide for these pleasing effects and the synchronization of the music to the fountain provide the entertainment effect.
Simple Operation
- Add water to the fountain and plug it in to a GFCI outlet
- Plug in the bluetooth sound system
- Turn on tablet and run application
Outdoor Musical Fountains
- The product is a standalone system that controls the water nozzles in the
desired direction using a position controlled motor and that are controlled by a computer with pre recorded or preset patterns. The position signal from the
computer commands the desired position from the motor
Market Advantage
- The unique marketing advantage of the proposed design is the ability to
emulate the Bellagio Fountains at Target prices. This allows residential owners to add fountains to their home which increases the home value, but also allows for reducing stress with the relaxing music with the water flow.
- U.S. Patent #9492834B1 Robotic nozzle (fountain spray movement (nozzle) dancing to the music)
- U.S. Patent #10471458B2 Robotic nozzle (fountain flow (robotic valve) dancing to the music)
- Other Patents are pending